- The Elementary Director of Instruction will use the test results (CogAT/Terra Nova) to screen for Gifted and Talented students from grades 2 and 6 and all new students to The Vanguard School
- Parents will be given a SIG to complete if probable for GT
- Teacher will be given a SIG to complete if probable for GT
- MTSS Review Team will identify students for Gifted and Talented using the criteria in the Identification Worksheet (MTSS Team= 1 GT endorsed person, 1 Administrator, 1 Teacher)
- Identification Worksheet will be used for each student that is screened or referred for GT
- 30 school days from referral date a decision or information about intended next steps must be communicated to all stakeholders by the GT Coordinator via letter or E-Mail
- An Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) will be created for each student who qualifies for GT. The ALP will be documented in Alpine. Parents may have input into this and must sign the ALP.
- Determination letter of identification(will be sent to parents and included in the Cumulative Folder/Permanent Record
- All teachers will be informed of any GT students and the students’ affective and achievement goals by Becky Collier, GT Coordinator
- Students who do not qualify, but that the MTTS review team would like to monitor for future possibilities, are in the Talent Pool
- ALP (Advanced Learning Plan) for parents will be given to parents of identified Gifted and Talented students during Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Students can be identified in the one or more of the following areas:
- Specific Academic Aptitude:
- Reading
- Writing
- Mathematics
- Science
- History
- World Languages
- General Intellectual Ability
- Creativity (7th-12th)
- Leadership (7th-12th)
- Visual Arts, Performing Arts (dance, theater, musical) or Psychomotor Abilities (7th-12th)
- Specific Academic Aptitude:
Click the graphic to view a process flowchart for identifying
Gifted and Talented students at The Vanguard School.
Gifted and Talented students at The Vanguard School.
Three measures of evidence are necessary for a student to be identified as GT. Generally, one of these measures will be Cognitive. If the Cognitive test does not qualify a student, a strong body of evidence as seen over time in a specific academic aptitude must be documented via a multitude of data points.
- Cognitive Ability Test
- All 2nd and 6th grade students take the CogAT
- Standardized Norm Referenced Achievement Tests (one or both may be used)
- All students in grades 1-6 will take the TerraNova test
- All students in grade 3-6 will take the PARCC (or state assessment) test
- Norm Referenced Behavior Rating Scale / Performance Observation Data
- Parent Input/Recommendation
- Teacher Input/Recommendation
- Parent Input/Recommendation
- Anecdotal Data and Diagnostic Curriculum Assessments
- Grades/Classroom work, assessments, writings, projects
- Conferences/Interviews/Surveys
- Teacher Assessed Portfolios
- State and National Competitions, Expert Judged Performances
Three measures of evidence are necessary for a student to be identified as GT. Generally, one of these measures will be Cognitive. If the Cognitive test does not qualify a student, a comprehensive body of evidence as seen over time in a specific academic aptitude must be documented via a multitude of data points.
- Scoring
- A student must score in the 95th percentile or above on one or more batteries of tests from CogAT
- TerraNova: 95th percentile or above
- PARCC: Exceeds Expectations
- SIGS rating from teacher of 98%
- SIGS rating from parent of 98%
- Differentiated instruction through achievement level grouping: Math & ELA
- Compacting and extending current curriculum
- Independent Study/Project-based Learning (especially that tie into Science and /or History)
- Study halls/lunches with other GT identified students
- Field Trips
- Academic Contests
- Parents made aware of community resources and extra-curricular activities