School Health Information
Health services are provided by our school nurse and other trained personnel during normal school hours (which do not include athletics, after-school activities, trips, etc). After normal school hours, the emergency response will be to call 911.
If your child has a medical concern such as significant allergies, asthma, diabetes, seizures, etc. please call our school nurse. We want your child to be safe and healthy at school. Our school nurse will work with you to develop a health care plan for your child if needed and will inform staff of your child’s needs. We ask that parents fill out an updated Health History Form for their students at the beginning of each school year and as changes occur.
If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease, please call the office or your school nurse. Students who have symptoms of illness should not attend school. For more information please review The Vanguard School Illness Policy.
Only basic first aid is done at school. Parents are notified if a child sustains a significant injury at school so that the student can be observed closely at home. Staff will call 911 if a student presents with a potentially serious, life-threatening illness or injury.
Medications can be given at school if needed following state guidelines and district policy. We encourage parents to give medication at home as much as possible. We must have written parental permission to give any medication at school. Additionally, we require physician written authorization to give any medication at school including all other over-the-counter medications. All medication must be in original containers. Please refer to the Vanguard School Medication Permit.
If your child needs to self carry emergency medications, please contact the school nurse. The student needs to demonstrate appropriate maturity, knowledge, and responsibility to self-administer emergency medication. A contract provided by the school nurse and signed by the student, parent, and school nurse is required.
Any time your child receives immunizations, please send a copy of this information to the school office. State law requires schools to maintain student immunization records and to exclude students with incomplete records unless they are in “process.” Parents may sign for a personal or religious exemption if desired. The Vanguard School participates in the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS), a confidential web-based system, maintained by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and used to collect and consolidate immunization information for disease control purposes. The school health office may use CIIS as a tool to ensure that your child has the proper immunizations required for school entry.
Vision and hearing screenings are done yearly for all students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9, as well as all new students to the district. Parents are notified if students display difficulty with screening tests. Parents may request vision and hearing screening for any student by contacting the school nurse. Parents may choose to opt their child out of vision and hearing screening by notifying the school nurse in writing at the beginning of the school year.
For more information, please email [email protected].
Our School Nurse
Robin Smith, RN, BSN
The Vanguard School Nurse
719-471-1999 x141
[email protected]
Health Documents
Listed below are miscellaneous Health Documents and Forms in Portable Document Format (PDF) that are available for download:
Colorado law requires all students attending Colorado schools and licensed child cares to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless a medical or non-medical exemption is filed. Please review the 2024 – 2025 Immunization Requirements for School.
For more information about vaccine requirements and resources please visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Immunization resources for child care, schools & colleges/universities.
So your child has been diagnosed with a concussion…now what?
If your child will need medication while on an overnight field trip or other activity that will take place away from school, a parent or legal guardian and an appropriate medical provider must complete a student medication permit for medications not regularly taken during the school day. You may download these forms by clicking the link below:
Field Trip / Extended Activity Permission Form and Student Medication Permit