Classical Education vs. STEM

classical education vs. stem - two Vanguard students

Each student’s educational journey rests on the instructional approach they receive, whether it is based on a classical education approach or one that is more narrowly focused.  Two prevalent educational strategies in the United States today are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and Liberal Arts.  Graduates of a Liberal Arts focused curriculum possess well-rounded knowledge in the subjects that reflect all aspects of our culture, past, and present.

Graduates of a STEM approach possess a highly focused, integrated education in technology and the physical sciences.  The choice between schools which focus on these two very different educational philosophies directly impacts the exposure and, thus, future career prospects for each student.


Philosophy | Classical vs. STEM

Liberal Arts study derived from classical education focuses on investigating concepts and issues that transcend the confines of any one discipline.  Through the exploration of arts, humanities, physical sciences, and social sciences, students learn to interpret the world around them using a multi-faceted point of view.

The STEM philosophy relies on its integrative approach to learning science, technology, engineering, and math that begins at a young age to prepare students for real-world application of the skills they have learned when they are ready to embark on their career paths.

The difference between these two philosophies lies in the breadth of focus given to various disciplines of learning.  STEM focuses more narrowly on areas relating to math and science.  In contrast, the classical education approach widens the angle of purview.  It concentrates on how disciplines such as philosophy, engineering, the arts, language, and science interconnect in the provision of knowledge.

The Vanguard School Philosophy

The Vanguard School is a classical education charter school that believes education should not just focus on preparing the student for college or a career.  The Vanguard School philosophy also focuses on preparing a student for life.  Educators do this by helping students explore the lessons and truths passed down to us from scientists, philosophers, artists, and great thinkers throughout time from all over the world.

Students incorporate the knowledge they glean from these many disciplines of learning to develop a genuinely organic and self-defined view on the planet, which they can use to become successful in tackling all hurdles life throws at them both professionally and personally.


Education | Classical Education vs. STEM

Traditionally, U.S. schools have used a liberal arts approach to learning that is based on a classical education foundation.  Recently, because of our country’s drop in percentages of college graduates with technical degrees, a focus on STEM has begun to take hold.  The intention behind STEM approaches is well-founded in need to increase the number of technically proficient graduates for our economy.  However, this may come at the cost of a student fully prepared to confront all aspects of our society.

Education at The Vanguard School

Educators at the classical education charter school, The Vanguard School, provide each student with a curriculum focused on providing pupils with the tools to make informed decisions about the world around them, no matter the subject.  They teach their students how to think critically by using lessons and philosophies of the past and present in mathematics, philosophy, physical sciences, social sciences, the arts, literature, and foreign language.

Learn More About Classical Education

Students | Classical Education vs. STEM

The opportunities available to students vary significantly based on the learning approach in which they have become immersed during their education.

Students at The Vanguard School

Every year, nearly all of The Vanguard School graduates proceed to college, many of whom start as sophomores or even juniors, thanks to the quantity of college-prep courses they have completed while receiving their classical education at The Vanguard School.

The most defining aspect of the typical graduate of The Vanguard School is that they have learned how to learn.  Thanks to classical education, graduates possess the tools to overcome defeat, tackle intricate problems, and implement best study practices because of their experience at The Vanguard School.  Each year, graduates of The Vanguard School receive over 100,000 dollars in scholarships and other financial aid per student because of their preparedness and performance achieved during their elementary, middle school, and high school experience.


College Readiness | Classical Education vs. STEM

STEM students become graduates who are prepared to take on particular occupations in technological fields of work.  Many STEM students enter the workforce directly, while others continue with higher education focused on more STEM areas of study.

College Counseling Philosophy

Students who attend classical education charter schools receive a curriculum focused heavily on Liberal Arts. Students receive exposure to a wider variety of subjects to include the arts and humanities.  This exposure broadens the areas of opportunities available to them as young professionals or students continuing their education at the university level.

College Readiness at The Vanguard School

Students of The Vanguard School consistently perform above averages for the state in terms of college readiness.  The Vanguard School’s graduation rate is 98 percent, which is 19 percent higher than the state average.  The Vanguard School students scored an average of 1243 on the SAT last year, which was over 200 points higher than the state average thanks to their strong foundation in classical education. To learn more about student success at The Vanguard School and how your student may benefit from our program, call (719) 471-1999.

College Counseling Resources

The Vanguard School

At The Vanguard School, each student receives the opportunity to embrace learning through a multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary, classical education point of view.  Our curriculum focuses on teaching students how to think critically and solve problems for themselves.  Students learn how to navigate our modern world based on lessons learned and knowledge gained from philosophers, scholars, scientists, and mathematicians from all over the world from the beginning of recorded time up through the modern age.

We believe in producing graduates who are well prepared to choose a higher course of study and pursue a career of their choice.  We also believe in cultivating their passion for learning, so that whatever they decide to pursue, they find complete personal and professional fulfillment by doing so.

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